Methodology 📓
The statistical information presented on this website refers to Spain. The total market cap of the Spanish Real Estate, for year 2024, is ~5.1 billion € (long scale, 1012).
Data base access
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Charts are currently shared in .png format.
- Charts sitemap ➞ Collection of all the charts published in the site.
Data sources and updating
The content is based on data from multiple statistical institutions. All are reproducible and can be verified by consulting the sources in each indicator post.
As a rule of thumb, the data are updated quarterly. In any case, the last update date can be consulted in the header of each indicator post. When dealing with current year data, the figures shown are an annual projection using the already available data (months, weeks...). Because of the seasonal nature of some variables, the annual projection is seasonally adjusted when suitable.
Collection of other interesting sources not used (Expand for details)
- Eurosystem Balance Sheet, ECB: Link
- Euro Area, Monetary aggregate M3, ECB: Link
- Euro Area Indicators Trading Economics: Link
- Global debt database, IMF: Link
- Stock Market data by Robert J. Shiller: Link
- Housing in Europe, Eurostat: Link
- Housing Report, Bank of Spain: Link
- Mortgages stats, Asociación Hipotecaria Española: Link
- Land Registry statistics, Catastro: Link
- New housing stock, MITMA: Link
- Local building permits, MITMA: Link
- Wage distribution, INE: Link
- Household income distribution: Link
Notes and contact
This website is an open, public, and free project that can be entirely forked through github. All content is original and can be reproduced as long as it is conveniently credited.
The website has been built using GitHub, Vercel and Next.js. You can contact me via X or Reddit. Or via my personal account on Nostr (public key),
If you would like to support the project, any sending of satoshis to the following bitcoin lightning address is greatly appreciated: Warmest thanks!