How much it costs building in Spain?

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The cost of building an average house in Spain is 380,000 euros. However, this price is just a general approximation since Spain offers a great degree of variability in terms of prices. Building in Ibiza is not the same as building in Guadalajara, not only because the workforce and materials are priced differently, but also because taxes can differ.

If you are an individual interested in building in Spain, below in the table you will find the aspects (sections and subsections) you must be aware of when building a house. A few notes:

The most significant subsection in the table is the PEM (Material Execution Budget), which represents the approximate cost in euros of building one square meter. It usually ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 €/m², depending on where are you building, the architectural complexity, the size of the house and the quality of materials.

Our base case for the numbers in the table are: moderately good location, minimal architectural complexities, 100 square meters and medium quality materials.

SQUARE METERS HOUSING = 100 m2Total cost of building (euros)227648.5
(a) CONSTRUCTIONSection cost197350
PEM = Material Execution Budget (eu/m2)1500150000
Urbanization expenses (euros)-0
Construction supplies + consumption (euros)10001000
General contractor expenses (13% of PEM)0.1319500
Contractor benefits (6% of PEM)0.069000
VAT (10% of contract budget)0.117850
(b) LAND STUDIESSection cost1000
Topographic study (euros)300300
Geotechnical study (euros)700700
(c) TECHNICAL FEESSection cost19965
Architect project fees (5% of PEM)0.057500
VAT architect fees (21%)0.211575
Work director fees (architect) (3% of PEM)0.034500
VAT work director fees (21%)0.21945
Surveyor fees (3% of PEM)0.034500
VAT surveyor fees (21%)0.21945
(d) MUNICIPAL LICENSESection cost5450
Urban planning license fee (3% PEM)0.011500
Construction and installation tax (4% PEM)0.0253750
Waste management deposit (2 €/m2 built)2200
Notary fees for new construction (0.05 value of the house)0.005986.75
Registrar fees for new construction (0.05 value of the house)0.005986.75
First occupancy license (1% PEM)0.011500
Certificate of habitability (euros)1010
(f) UTILITY CONNECTIONSSection cost400
Water connection (euros)200200
Electricity connection (euros)200200
FINANCING (80% of house price)Total mortgage cost (euros)87944
Duration of the mortgage20 years-
Bank interest (4%)0.04-
Amount of interests generated (80% of house price financed)180000 euros81784
Appraisal400 euros400
Notary (0.05 mortgage liability)0.005900
Registry (0.05 mortgage liability)0.005900
Tax on legal acts (1.2 mortgage liability)0.0122160
Opening commission (1% loan)0.011800
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