↑ Annual evolution of mortgages, total number of mortgages approved and released.
Observation: releases are not required by law to be registered at the Land Registry. We approximate that about 35% of mortgage releases are not registered.
↑ Real credit movement and mortgages amount.
Left axis (bars): Real credit movement, credit growth minus inflation, in percentage.
Right axis (line): average annual mortgage amount, in euros.
↑ Ratio between mortgages and home sales: if the ratio is (x), it means there a (x) mortgages per each (1) home sale.
Observation: the ratio Mortgages/Sales hints the formation of credit bubbles.
↑ Mortgages constituted according to type of interest rate (%): fixed or variable.
Data sources
Housing prices, from 1985 to 2006, according to Sociedad de Tasación (Access to data is under request, but can be seen in the linked publication): Publication, Link
Housing prices, from 2007 onwards, according to the notaries (Grupo 5 > Acto 501 - Compraventa inmuebles > Inmuebles en fincas urbanas, viviendas): Link
Home sales, from 2003 to 2006, have been extrapolated using the approved mortgages: Link
Home sales, from 2007 onwards (Results > Annual > Dwellings transferred by type of acquisition > Sales): Link
Mortgages, from 1995 to 2002, according to "El mercado de la vivienda en España: una década prodigiosa (1995-2005)", by Isabel Nóvoa Arechaga and Pedro López Suárez, tabla 13 (mortgage releases from this period have been extrapolated using the approved mortgages): Publication
Mortgages, from 2003 onwards (Results > Annual > National results and by Autonomous Community > Mortgages constituted, over the total properties, by nature of the property > Dwellings): Link
Inflation data (Table: average inflation Spain (CPI) - by year): Link
Average mortgage rate (Results > Annual > National indicators > Average interest rate of mortgages constituted > Viviendas + Total): Link
Mortgages constituted according to interest rate, Bank of Spain (Tipo medio de los préstamos hipotecarios a más de 3 años para adquisición de vivienda libre > Del conjunto de entidades de crédito): Link