Spain's Real Estate Market Cap

Last update on, AllPrice
Market Cap (f) 2024(Nul × Rp) + (Ful × Up) + (Hp × Ha × D)
Total market cap5.107.826.088.504 euros
Spain total area506.006.730.000 m²
Non urban land (Nul)485.443.830.000 m²
Average rustic land price (Rp)1,03 eu/m²
Free urban land (Ful)4.506.630.000 m²
Average urban land price (Up)167 eu/m²
Average housing price (Hp)1714 eu/m²
Average house area (Ha)86 m²
Number of dwellings (D)26.154.051

Last "Non urban land (Nul)" available was from 2014. Last "Free urban land (Ful)" available was from 2014. The "Average house area (Ha)" used is the one provided by Censo de Viviendas from 2021. Last "Average rustic land price (Rp)" was from 2022.

YearMarket capitalization
20143.899.775.913.230 euros
20114.704.159.132.204 euros
20095.072.742.844.012 euros
20054.517.483.030.916 euros

The "Average house area (Ha)" used for all years is the one provided by Censo de Viviendas from 2021.

Data sources

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