Housing price in different currencies
Real estate is the world's largest store of wealth (1, 2). Wealth is measured in units of account, commonly money, but not all moneys preserve wealth equally.
- Price in dollars, 100m2 house: the rate EUR/USD used is the yearly average.
- Price in euros, 100m2 house: average price, more information back in Price.
- Price in ounces of gold, 100m2 house: the gold price used is the yearly average.
- Price in euros, 100m2 house: average price, more information back in Price.
- Price in bitcoins, 100m2 house: the bitcoin price used is the yearly average.
- Price in euros, 100m2 house: average price, more information back in Price.
Data sources
- Housing prices, from 1985 to 2006, according to Sociedad de Tasación (Access to data is under request, but can be seen in the linked publication): Publication, Link
- Housing prices, from 2007 onwards, according to the notaries (Grupo 5 > Acto 501 - Compraventa inmuebles > Inmuebles en fincas urbanas, viviendas): Link
- Yearly average exchange rate EUR/USD, Investing.com (the euro was launched by 11 EU countries as their new common currency on 1 January 1999, prior exchange rates is the ECU exchange rate): Link
- Gold price in Euros (Downloads, Gold price in a range of currencies since 1978 - XLSX): Link
- Gold above-ground stocks (Gold inflation rate has been around 1.7% since 2010): Link
- Willy Woo site, Bitcoin inflation rate (The rate gets lower overtime, every 4 years following the "halving" events, current rate is around 1.6%): Link
- Bitcoin price in Euros, 2015 onward (Yahoo Finance, Bitcoin monthly close price EUR (BTC-EUR) - CoinMarketCap): Link
- Bitcoin price in Euros prior to 2015 -> 2010 (BTC price = 0.11$, exchange rate = 0.70$/€), 2011 (BTC price = 5.28$, exchange rate = 0.68$/€), 2012 (BTC price = 7.76$, exchange rate = 0.71$/€), 2013 (BTC price = 167.32$, exchange rate = 0.70$/€) and 2014 (BTC price = 542.28$, exchange rate = 0.69$/€) (Bitcoin Price Table, US dollars, 2010-2022 (Monthly)): Link