↑ Number of dwellings and population growth: new homes built and population change year on year. See the approach to estimate the historical data here.
Explore on this map the number of inhabitants per dwelling and municipality.
↑ Housing surplus or deficit: difference between housing growth (the total number of houses built in a year) and population growth divided by 2 (the total number of potential couples gained or lost in a year). Blue color indicates a housing surplus, while green color indicates a housing deficit.
↑ Distribution of new houses build per type (in %): Single-Family or Condominiums.
↑ Construction period: number of today existing dwellings per period of construction.
The red bar is a final estimate based on the current pace of construction. If the pace remains as 2021 (95.000 per year), the number of houses built between 2021 and 2040 will be of ≈1.800.000.
↑ Cement consumption, Spain. Consumption and real price correlate positively.
Left axis (bars): cement consumption per year, in metric tons.
Housing stock, from 1900 to 1970, see the approach to estimate the historical data here.
Housing stock, from 1971 to 2000, according to Atlas Digital de las Áreas Urbanas (Parque de Viviendas > Viviendas según tipo > Viviendas familiares > Select from available years 1970, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011 > Tabla and Sintesis): Link. Based on the data from 1970, 1981 and 1991, the remaining years gaps have been estimated, in a similar way as done by Banco de España (Observatorio de Vivienda y Suelo > Boletines periódicos > Boletín Anual 2021 > Tabla 8.1): Link
Housing stock, from 2001 onwards (Total de viviendas por comunidades autónomas y provincias): Link
Buildings per period of construction (Nacional> Viviendas > Número de viviendas principales según tipo de edificación y año de construcción): Link
Apparent cement consumption, Ministerio de Industria y Turismo (Principales resultados): Link. Apparent cement consumption (Housing prices from 1964 to 1984 have been extrapolated based in this variable): Link
Housing prices, from 1985 to 2006, according to Sociedad de Tasación (Access to data is under request, but can be seen in the linked publication): Publication, Link
Housing prices, from 2007 onwards, according to the notaries (Grupo 5 > Acto 501 - Compraventa inmuebles > Inmuebles en fincas urbanas, viviendas): Link
Inflation data (Table: average inflation Spain (CPI) - by year): Link
Average number of persons per household (Proyección del número medio de personas por hogar en España hasta 2037): Link
Censo de viviendas 2021 (Crear tablas > Municipios > Todos los municipios > Viviendas familiares): Link